Semantic Deviation in the Arabic MT'ed English Text; Symptoms & Effects
by Dr. Ahmed Ragheb Ahmed; RDI.
Arab World for Publishing & Distribution-Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum foundation-UAE,
July 2009.
Arabic Second Language Acquisition of Morphosyntax by Mohammad T. Alhawary
Yale University Press (April 2009)
See description
Information Structure in Spoken Arabic. Edited by Jonathan Owens, Alaa Elgibali.
See description at Routledge.
Arabic Language and Linguistics in an Age of Globalization. Zeinab Ibrahim and Sanaa Makhlouf (Ed.),
AUC Press.
The Legacy of the Kitāb
Analytical Methods within the Context of the Arabic Grammatical Theory, by Ramzi Baalbaki. In Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics, 2008.
The Moroccan Arabic "ġuş": Five Categories,
by Nasser Berjaoui. In LINCOM Studies in Afroasiatic Linguistics 22, 2008
Arabic Computational morphology:
knowledge-based and Empirical Methods.
by Abdelhadi Soudi, Antal van den Bosch and Guenter Neumann
A Linguistic History of Arabic
by Jonathan Owens
Current Issues in Linguistic Theory
Editor: Sami Boudelaa, University of Cambridge
The Arabic Linguistic Tradition
by Georges Bohas, Jean-Patrick Guillaume, Djamel Kouloughli
The Arabic Language Today
by A. F. L. Beeston
Consonance in the Qur'an -
A Conceptual, Intertextual and Linguistic Analysis
by Hussein Abdul-Raof
Beyond Morphology
Interface Conditions on Word Formation
by Peter Ackema, and Ad Neeleman,
Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics No. 6
Eastern Arabic with MP3 Files
by Frank A. Rice and Majed F. Sa'id
Variation in Modern Standard Arabic in Radio News Broadcasts, A Synchronic Descriptive Investigation into the Use of
Complementary Particles
Modern Arabic. Structures, Functions, andVarieties.>
Revised Edition
Al-Kitaab fii Ta callum al-cArabiyya with DVDs
A Textbook for Beginning Arabic. Part One, Second Edition
Alif Baa with DVDs
The DVDs contain both audio and video exercises,
which give an introduction to Arabic letters and sounds.
Al-Kitaab fii Ta allum al-Arabiyya with DVDs
Textbook for Beginning Arabic
Semitic and Indo-European II - Comparative morphology, syntax and phonetics
Acquiring The Arabic Lexicon,
Evidence of Productive Strategies
and Pedagogical Implications.
Academica press>
Semantic Change: Between Ambiguity and Forms and Examples
1st edition, 2003, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmiyah, Beirut, Lebanon.
Language Processing and Acquisition in Languages of Semitic,Root-based Morphology
Shimron, Joseph, ed. (2003). John Benjamins Publishing, Company,