Contact: nemlar@hum.ku.dk |
Monolingual lexica
Name of Lexicon | Provider | Size | Other information | Availability, price, manip. |
Diinar 1 | Lyon2 | 138,766 entries 129,000 lemmas | 1,3,1 R,1,4,1 C | |
Arabic Lexicon | RDI | 4,500 roots, 4 million stems | See Arabic Natural Language Processing from RDI | 3 |
Dictionnaire de formes fléchies simples et agglutinées arabes | CNRS | 66 million entries | 1 (subject to negociation) | |
Arabic lexicon | Sakhr | 120K MSA & Classic stem | 3,4,1 | |
Arabic Idiom lexicon | Sakhr | 76K basic idioms | With both lexical and semantic information | 3 |
Selectional restrictions | Sakhr | 50K frame | Semantic restrictions associated with senses of verbs, nouns and adjectives and imposed on the environment in which they occur | 3 |
Arabic simple forms lexicon | CEA | 3,164,000 entries - 114,000 lemmas | With grammatical information (POS, Gender and Number) | 3 |
Arabic proclitics lexicon | CEA | 77 entries | With grammatical information | 3 |
Arabic enclitics lexicon | CEA | 66 entries | With grammatical information | 3 |
List of conjunctions and other sentence starters/stoppers
(No resources have been surveyed for 'sentence boundary detection')
Name of Lexicon | Provider | Size | Other information | Availability, price, manip. |
Arabic word segment model | Sakhr | MSA & Classic Arabic Language model for Arabic word segment | 3 |