Contact: nemlar@hum.ku.dk |
Multimodal corpora
Name of Resource | Provider | Size | Other information | Availability, price, manip. |
IFN/ENIT | IFN/ENIT | Handwritten scanned pages | 2,1,1 | |
Training corpus of Arabic typed written OCR | RDI | 1,200 pages of A4 scanned at 300 and 600 dpi | Covering the 20 most famous Arabic fonts under Mac and MS-Windows See description here |
1,2,1 |
Arabic/Farsi font library | Sakhr | 26 fonts | 3 | |
Arabic Omni Data | Sakhr |   | Arabic script - OMNI data trained for the feature space of Arabic characters covering both Naskh and Kofi font families | 3 |