Contact: nemlar@hum.ku.dk |
HLT moduls
Type of HLT modul | Name of module | Provider | Other information | Availability, price, manip. |
Morphological analyzer | ||||
ArabMorpho © v.4 | RDI | Try online version | Sold for HLT tech. developers and to system integrators. SDK for 5,000USD + and royalty per one license of each copy of the product for tens of dollars based on the quantity ordered. Student licenses at reduced prices are negotiable if ordered by an academic institution. Contact: m_Atteya@RDI-eg.com, or Sobh@RDI-eg.com, or m_Rashwan@RDI-eg.com | |
Xerox Arabic Morphological Analyser | Xerox XRCE | Exists in a research and commercial version. Only the commercial version can be embedded in applications | Contact: Mathieu.Chuat@xrce.xerox.com Tel: +33 4 76 61 51 87 (France) | |
Buckwalter Arabic Morphological Analyser | LDC | LDC Catalog No.: LDC2002L49 | Free for non commercial use, else $150.00. Tim Buckwalter, info@qamus.org | |
Raramorph | eSpace | Amateur software packaging based on Tim Buckwalters analyzer | Open Source GPL | |
Morphological Analyzer | Cimos; | For sale at Cimos | 490 € | |
Morphological Analyser | CRL, New Mexico State University | Download from CRL | Free | |
Multi Mode Morphological Processor | Sakhr | For both modern and classical Arabic, and also for analyzing and synthesizing Arabic words. | 3 | |
Stemmer | ||||
Al-Stem | Kareem Darwish | |||
Light10 | Larkey | Open Source | ||
POS Tagger | ||||
ArabTagger | RDI | Try-on-line | Sold for HLT tech. developers and to system integrators. SDK for 3,000USD + and royalty per one license of each copy of the product for tens of dollars based on the quantity ordered. Student licenses at reduced prices are negotiable if ordered by an academic institution. Contact: m_Atteya@RDI-eg.com, or Sobh@RDI-eg.com, or m_Rashwan@RDI-eg.com | |
Arabic Disambiguation System | Sakhr | Arabic Disambiguation System | 3 | |
MorphTagger | Computer Science Department Bar-Ilan University, Israel | HMM-based part-of-speech tagger for Hebrew (and other Semitic Languages) | Open Source GPL | |
Stanford Log-linear Part-Of-Speech Tagger | Stanford University | Open Source GPL | ||
Parser | ||||
Stanford Arabic Parser | Stanford University | Open Source GPL | ||
Grammatical Analyzer | Cimos | $490 | ||
Text annotation tools | ||||
Fassieh© | RDI-Egypt | Full fledged Arabic text annotation tool that performs Arabic morphological analysis, PoS tagging, lexical semantic labelling, phonetic transcription etc. via a full graphical interface that enables manual supervision/revision on large corpora manual/automatic annotation. | Contact: Mohsen_Rashwan@RDI-eg.com | |
N/A | Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)2 | Language-independent. | Free | |
AGTK | Linguistic Data Consortium | Language-independent. | Free | |
N/A | Archimedes project | Language-independent. | Free |